Do you struggle with being able to follow your heart and instincts? The truth is, in many circumstances, your instincts are usually right, but if you tend to over think things too much, you might stray from those initial inner thoughts.
But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We live in a world where logical thinking and rational decisions are heavily emphasized. We’re often taught to suppress our emotions and rely solely on logical reasoning. However, this can lead to a disconnect between what we truly want and what we think we should want.
It’s time to break free from these limiting beliefs and trust your instincts. After all, they are a valuable tool that can guide you towards your unique path in life.
Let’s follow some steps to better connect with our heart and instincts. Your intuition is a powerful force that deserves to be honed and trusted.
Following Your Heart
Sometimes following your heart instead of your mind can seem like the “weak” thing to do. This is not the case. Following your heart is following the core of your beliefs and is usually the missing piece to having a more fulfilling life.
Our hearts are powerful instruments, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. Our hearts are the driving force behind our passions, our desires, and our connections to others.
You can begin following your heart by keeping these tips in mind:
1. Listen to your heart
We must understand that our hearts are more than just blood-pumping machines. They have their own intelligence, with neurons and hormones that communicate with our brains and influence our thoughts and emotions.
In fact, studies have shown that our heart’s electrical field is 60 times stronger than our brain’s, and its magnetic field can be detected several feet away from our bodies.*
HeartMath Institute
Our hearts literally have the power to impact not only our own well-being but also those around us. So take a moment today to quiet the noise, tune in to your heart’s beat, notice what feelings come up, and go with what feels right.
2. Listen to your body
Have you ever experienced nausea, palpitations or stomach pain right before acting on something? When something doesn’t feel right to us, it may come across as a physical reaction that our body is manifesting and trying to communicate to us.
If something feels off, it’s okay to take a step back and explore the reasons why. Maybe it’s a fear or insecurity that is holding us back, or maybe it’s a sign that we need to reevaluate our choices and make a change.
Ultimately, the journey towards our true desires and passions always starts with a feeling.
3. Connect with your heart and body
How do we cut through the noise and connect with our hearts? The key is to quiet our minds and tune in to our bodies.
Engaging in practices like meditation, yoga, or even just taking a walk in nature can help us silence the external noise and turn our attention inward. This allows us to become more attuned to the sensations in our bodies, including the beating of our hearts.
But connecting with our hearts is not just about listening to our own inner voice. It also involves connecting with others on a heart level. When we approach relationships with an open heart, we create deeper and more meaningful connections that enrich our lives.
Trusting Your Instincts
There are several good techniques that can help you better grasp the process of trusting your instincts. Some of these common solutions might work for you.
These strategies can help you trust your instincts:
1. Follow your gut
We’ve all heard the phrase “trust your gut.” It’s a common piece of advice that encourages us to follow our intuition and act on what feels right. But how often do we actually take this advice to heart and put it into practice?
We must shift our perspective and start to see our gut feelings as valuable tools in our decision-making process.
Research has shown that our gut – or more specifically, our gut microbiome – can influence our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. In fact, our gut is often referred to as our second brain, with over 400 times more neurons than our spinal cord.**
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Our gut feelings are powerful and more often than not, they lead us in the right direction. So, it’s up to us to trust and follow those gut feelings that lead us in the direction of our dreams.
2. Write down your thoughts
Oftentimes, our best ideas and insights come from within, and free writing can be a powerful tool for tapping into that inner wisdom.
Set aside a few minutes to let your thoughts flow freely on paper. Don’t worry about staying on topic or making sense at first; the goal is to get your ideas out without judgment. Once you’ve finished, read through your notes and see if any new, unexpected connections or insights emerge.
Trust your instincts and allow them to guide your decision-making process. You may be surprised by the unique perspective and depth that this exercise brings to your life decisions.
3. Avoid overthinking
Sometimes your mind can get away from you and start cycling through negative thoughts. Take deep breaths and get back into a positive mindset so that you can see your true path more clearly.
One way to connect with your instincts and eliminate overthinking is to practice mindfulness. By being present in the moment and focusing on your surroundings without judgement, you can silence the noise of your mind and tap into your intuition.
This can help you make clearer decisions and trust in your own abilities.
4. Avoid changing your mind unless there’s a valid reason
Making decisions can be tough, and it’s common for our minds to change as we gather new evidence, recent information or face unexpected challenges.
However, there are times when we may second-guess ourselves for no valid reason, simply because we are afraid of making the wrong choice. In those moments, it’s important to focus on our inner wisdom through our heart, mind, body and instincts.
So, the next time you find yourself wanting to change your mind, take a step back and evaluate if you have a valid reason to do so. If not, trust your initial decision and see it through. Remember, it’s not about being stubborn or closed-minded, but about being thoughtful and intentional in our choices.
“Instinct is a marvelous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored.”
Agatha Christie, Author
Following your heart and instincts may seem like a daunting task, but it is crucial for living a fulfilling and authentic life. By listening to your inner voice, tapping into your inner wisdom, and trusting your gut, you can make decisions that align with your true desires and values.
So take the leap and follow your heart, for it knows the way.
*Source: Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance. An Overview of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute
**Source: Our second brain: More than a gut feeling. Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia.